Sunday, March 22, 2009

Comments Welcome

Hey all,
If anyone would like to help me out, I’m looking for a few items:

-Any codes items relating to stone wall/mass wall construction, these may be masonry wall items that also apply to stone.
(Other than sections 9.20 and 9.21 of part 9)

-Any information regarding local geological info to do with limestone, sandstone, granite, marble or slate.

-Any examples of local natural stone buildings.

-Suggestions in regards to my thesis question as displayed under the blog title.

Thanks in advance,


  1. Hey Ivory, Take a look at these pis I took when I was in Nepal. They are the real deal when it comes to stone construction. They dont do it because they think it looks cool, they do it because they have to. These pics were taken in the Everest Region of the Himalayas. Follow the link.

  2. Wow,
    amazing pictures, thanks Reece!
    Are houses like this built all over Nepal or just in certain regions?

    ...Now all i have to do is find ways to make buildings like those meet local building codes..

  3. Neato! haha those pictures are really quite cool I must say. Are there any others?

  4. Hey man, this isn't quite what you're asking for, but its still pretty usefull for what your doing.
    --good site for huge sources of information on stone building in BC
    --list of sub-contractors who work in stone around BC

  5. Hey Ivory, You'll only find these in certain regions. These were taken way up in the himalayas were they have to use whats available or carry it in on yaks or on their backs. Its also a park, so there are laws for what they can use.

  6. Ya jill, there are some albums from nepal on my face book page. These were the best I took of the stone construction though.

  7. Thanks jordan,
    the first link really has a lot of stuff, i havent gone through it all yet but it does look useful. also, the second link should be a good source of local info.

  8. Your thesis question is sound. Be sure to look at subsection 9.27.2 of the BCBC. In Appendix A there is a brief description of mass walls, as well at the other types of walls that are permitted under Part 9.

  9. Ivory,
    There is a book at the Kamloops library about restoring houses of brick and stone that could be is by the same guy who wrote a book I have about updating old houses, the information isn't too bad.

  10. Thanks, ill check it out.
    It might give me a better idea as to what can damage a stone wall, and how it might be prevented.



  • A. W. Hendry and F. M. Khalaf, (2003). Masonry wall construction [electronic resource]. London : E. & F. N. Spon.
  • Charles Long, (1998). The Stonebuilder's Primer: A Step-by-Step Guide for Owner-Builders. Ontario : Firefly Books.
  • Charles McRaven, (1996). Stonework Techniques and Projects, North Adams, Ma.: Storey Publishing, LLC.
  • John Vivian, (1975). Building Stone Walls. North Adams, Ma.: Storey Publishing, LLC.
  • M. R. Smith, (1999). Stone: Building Stone, Rock Fill and Armourstone in Construction. London : The Geological Society.
  • McRaven, C., Ingenthron, C., Moore, L., (1988). Building with Stone(2nd Revised edition). North Adams, Ma.: Storey Publishing, LLC.
  • Thomas J. Elpel, (1998). Living Homes: Integrated Design & Construction(5th ed.), Pony, Montana : Hopps Press, LLC.
  • Tomm Stanley, (2003). stone House: A Guide to Self-Building with Slipforms. Christchurch, New Zealand : Stonefield Publishing.
  • Winkler, Erhard M, (1975). Stone--properties, durability in man's environment(2nd revised edition). New York : Springer-Verlag.
  • L. Zhue, R. Hurt, D.Correia and R. Boehm. (2008). Detailed energy saving performance analyses on thermal mass walls demonstrated in a zero energy house. Energy and Buildings, 41(3),303-310. Retrieved February 28, 2009, from Science Direct. (Online)